the riyl revolution

the RIYL army

who are these charming articulate fools filling your earphones with such angelic tones? well. there are a bunch of us. here is how to identify us in a crowd of people (we will have red carnations in our lapels):
YUJEAN is from New Jersey. She loves tattoos and [vegan] cupcakes and take pictures wherever she goes.

MEAGAN is from Texas. She makes her own music and is excellent at expressive hand motions.

DORY is from Utah. She would like to be asleep or, if that isn’t possible, she would like to be riding her bicycle very slowly at night with a lot of gregarious strangers.

CODY (on the right) is from Minnesota. He agreed to write for the RIYL Revolution because he thought he was getting paid $50 a post. He still thinks the check is in the mail.

jakeJAKE is from Utah. He likes food you can microwave and gets obsessed very easily.

do you want to be our friend? the email address for all of us kids is riylrevolution [at] gmail [dot] com. we really would love to hear from you– after all, it is you (yes you only you) that makes all of this worth while. you could friend us on myspace, too, if you wanted. even though we are sort of politically opposed.

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this is a blog of my favorite people giving me good advice and making witty comments. it is now bookmarked on my computer which is pretty important because for some reason, i’m sort of choosy about what i bookmark. the only thing that would be better than this blog is if it gave me a cappuccino for free.

Comment by julia

free cappuccinos? i can’t make any promises, but we’ll work on it.

Comment by snarkyparky

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